The Fashion Spot Momtastic


Editor's Blog

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  • With the recent breaking beauty news about Ashlee Simpson's drastic haircut, and all the other starlets who more or less recently hopped on the pixie-ish, blonde bandwagon a la Mia Farrow, I can't help but notice that there is a trend happening here. Do you think that it will become as popular as Victoria Beckham's angled bob or Jennifer Aniston's famous layered 'do, or one of the most requested celebrity hairstyles of all time?

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  • It's that time again -- for the third installment of my weekly roundup of favorite pink beauty products supporting Breast Cancer Awareness. And this post couldn't come on a better day seeing as today, October 13th, is National Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day as voted on by the U.S. Senate and House last year.

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  • OK, so you may not be a big Paris Hilton fan, but what if you love her perfume -- would you boycott it just out of principle? Or let's say you're a die hard Gwen Stefani fan, but think her scent kinda smells like bug spray -- would you still buy it? Well, some of our readers were taken aback by which celebrity-endorsed perfumes they fell in love with and which ones made them gag. Ladies and gentlemen (if we actually have any dudes reading), this is our roundup of the best and worst celebrity perfumes.

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  • Did you make it to New York Fashion Week last month, or did your invite get lost in the mail? In case you missed the mother of all beauty and fashion extravaganzas, we were there trend spotting, reporting and schmoozing (we know, you're probably thinking, "poor babies," but it's actually quite a marathon) to bring you the scoop. In fact, we hunted down the hair and makeup wizards backstage and asked them to spill their time saving tips and tricks with us. So … here are some hair and makeup shortcuts that'll help you get out the door faster in the morning:

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  • We had the honor of attending "Variety"'s Power of Women lunch last week, which is sponsored in part by L'Oreal Paris and honors celebs for outstanding charitable work. And we must admit that we were quite impressed with the shindig. Why? For starters, the celebrity guest list was impressive -- Kerry Washington, Jennifer Garner, Katie Holmes, Diane Lane, Eva Mendes, Anne Hathaway … the list goes on. But beyond that, the thoughtful work many of these celebrities are doing to help families, women and children in American and around the world, is touching and inspiring to learn about (yes, tears were shed). And they aren't just putting their pretty makeup-laden faces to the causes. You can tell they actually care about their work and want to do all they can to get others involved.

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  • Remember that girl in high school? You know, the one with perfect skin that made you cringe every morning at homeroom because unlike her, you spent the better half of the morning squeezing pimples and cursing your life? (Speaking of, learn how to finally pop a pimple the right way.) And now that your life is a little less "the world is ending/no one understands me" dramatic, you likely still have that one girlfriend whose skin you marvel at over brunch -- the one with flawless, dewy skin who you beg for skin care secrets from every time you get together.

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  • It's safe to assume that if you're browsing this site, you've thought about your desert-island beauty products. You know, the ones that you just can't imagine living without. What are yours? For me, it would have to be the following from each category:

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  • When you live with someone, you are bound to eventually find out all their dirty little "this is what I'm really like" secrets. When it's time to take the plunge and move in with your boyfriend/husband/lover, you get to find out that he finds you most attractive in a baseball hat and sweats (see other beauty tips that will make him melt), that he never closes his sock drawer all the way (NEVER), allowing you to bang your shin every time you walk by. Every. Single. Time. And that he secretly plucks between his eyebrows on Sunday nights in front of your magnifying mirror. Of course he learns fun facts about you too like, you don't wake up looking like a Victoria's Secret model and that you like to eat ice cream one sneaky spoonful at a time as you pass by the freezer.

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