The Fashion Spot Momtastic
How I Place My Ponytail Perfectly [VIDEO] How I Place My Ponytail Perfectly [VIDEO]

Everyone loves wearing their hair in a ponytail; it's easy, comfy, and very versatile. But what most of us don't know is where on our heads a ponytail is most flattering. If you want to make the most of your bone structure with a perfectly…  

Rebekah George

Tags: Hair, Holiday

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How to Copy Katy Perry's AMA Updo (Not the Pink Part) How to Copy Katy Perry's AMA Updo (Not the Pink Part)

Amid constant conflicting rumors of an imminent divorce from/baby with husband Russell Brand, the effervescent ball of energy that is Katy Perry refuses to cower in a corner, choosing instead to remain true to the spirit that's won her legions of…  

Audrey Fine

Tags: Celebrity Hairstyles, Winter

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Expert Q&A: "How Can I Get Great Abs Without Doing Sit Ups?" Expert Q&A: "How Can I Get Great Abs Without Doing Sit Ups?"

We're into week three of our four-part question and answer series with My Beauty Life's fitness expert, Brooke Marrone . For this installment, we're going to focus on getting tighter, flatter tummies without even mentioning the words…  

Audrey Fine

Tags: Body, Fall, Brooke Marrone

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How I Make False Eyelashes Look Real [SLIDESHOW] How I Make False Eyelashes Look Real [SLIDESHOW]

Random fact about me: Sometimes I fantasize about how great it would be to have long, lush lashes that blink "helloooo" from across the room. Don't roll your eyes. It's not like I spend an inordinate amount of time daydreaming about it. But listen,…  

Charli Schuler

Tags: Makeup, Fall

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Three Tips I Learned from Makeup Legend Pat McGrath Three Tips I Learned from Makeup Legend Pat McGrath

Pat McGrath -- the makeup artist behind many of the looks on the runway in New York, Paris, and Milan -- is a hero to those of us who eat, sleep, breathe, and live makeup. What's mind-boggling is that this influential superstar has zero…  

Rebekah George

Tags: Makeup, Fall

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