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  • 9

    I'm surprised!

    That this has such low reviews! It worked great for me. I needed bright red lips, bought this in Goth, and OMG it was perfect! It lasted from 8pm to 3am (with some touch ups in the corners of my mouth). Other than that I loved it and the chapstick end of it is great. This is the best lip stain I've come across and I've even tried TheBalm's Stainiac! I had to wait several minutes to let this dry morend then I put on the balm. The stain alone is drying but with the balm it's fine. The upside to the balm is that it doesn't take the color off. The colors can be a bit bold and dark but other than that these are great.
    Miaoudeminou | 35 reviews

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  • 1


    I would only give this a 0, but loved the colors. It was very drying, even with the lip balm, and the colo didn't stay on an hour! Don't be fooled by the great colors; it's not worth any price!
    mousedog | 12 reviews

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  • 5

    Take it or leave it

    The biggest disappointment in this product is that the balm side isn't retractable - it's just all 'out there' and if you don't get the cap back on perfectly straight, you nick the balm. I can't believe it doesn't wind up and down inside the tube. Plus you wouldn't want to work that balm too hard in case you break it off altogether. But the balm feels great on. The stain end is exactly the moree as the Cover Girl brand, so if you already carry a balm in your pocket/purse like I do, there's no need to buy this product if you already have the CG version - as I do. The stain does go on a little unevenly, but it's buildable. I was surprised to see another rater say it didn't go on her top lip as well as the bottom because I've had that same experience! Weird. At any rate, this is an OK product. I won't pay $8+ for it again. It doesn't last even until lunch. And if you have any lip imperfections (I pick at my lip a little bit) it 'stains' more heavily there. So maybe stains aren't the best product for me, but I don't hate them!
    jayboo5 | 76 reviews

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  • 8

    Lip Stain

    I personally love this lip stain it gives nice color and shine to your lips and stays for a long time! There are a lot of different color choices, and my personal fav is cherry tart!!!
    theakmluvsu | 18 reviews

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  • 5


    I thought lip stains were supposed to last but this stuff comes off very easily. Even using it without the balm it didn't last an hour - and that's without eating or drinking. I tried two different colors and returned both. I am still in search of a true lip stain that really lasts.
    eoshea | 8 reviews

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  • 9

    Good stain, bad design for the moisturizer

    I am not sure what everyone is talking about when they say it has a rollerball. I have 2 of these stains & mine are like a large felt tip pen. The stain goes on smoothly & is buildable. I have a dark wine color & I was able to make it look like a deep burgundy (almost blackish) by applying about 4 coats. Perfect for my vampire look! I love the moisturuzer. It doesn't make the stain wear off & it moreeally moisturizes my lips. The only problem is that it is too soft & since it can be retracted the base of it gets torqued & on one of my stains the moisturizer actually broke off. I kept it becuase it is so moisturizing, but I have to apply it with my finger now.
    z817182 | 5 reviews

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  • 3


    I've been wanting to buy a lip stain for a long time, and this one sounded nice, so I tried it. I bought it in Frenzy. I didn't have much trouble applying it, but boy, it did NOT last. And it didn't fade evenly, so my lips looked weird. I still have it, though, because the lip balm is quite nice.
    kestrel | 11 reviews

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  • 5

    Just Bitten does not last

    after seeing commercials for Just Bitten I ran out to get it. I likes the marker tip applicator that makes putting it on easy. It smells nice as you put it on. The colors are nice I bought two shades. At the other end there is a lip balm because it dries fast, but I think you could use your favorite lip balm also. My only complaint is I wanted a lip stain because I thought they lasted but more 1 1/2-2 hours I feel you have to reapply because it fades too fast. I was worried at first that if you make a mistake you are walking around with this mistake all day but you really have to reapply it to often I think, I'm not a makeup girl, I don't want to be one of those women who is touching up her face all day. I want to look as natural as possible. that is why I wanted a lip stain. But this one is not the one for me. So for staying power Just Bitten BITES!
    Budman131415 | 3 reviews

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  • 7

    Better Than The Rest

    I love the idea of lip stain but hate how dry it always makes my lips feel. But Revlon got it right with the Just Bitten line of lip stain. One end is the lip stain and the other end lip balm to keep your lips from drying out. The only thing I don't like about this product is that the lip stain tip dries out too quickly and makes for difficult application. If Revlon could fix this problem, it would be the perfect lip stain.
    queenjenn25 | 3 reviews

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    Well I wanted so much to start using lip stains, but didn't want to pay such a high price, so since I loved most of Revlons makeup line, I thought I would give this is a try and I tried them 2 different times...and they both were terrible!! The balm melts even though I didn't leave my purse in my car or somewhere extremely hot, the stain is extremely uneven!! It looked terrible on my lips! It mores not last and made my lips very dry looking!! I was extremely upset for spending/wasting money on 2 different tubes that went into the trash within 2 or 3 days of purchase!
    ReginaGail | 33 reviews

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