The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 10

    Been using for over 25 years!

    Ive been using his product for over 25 years,been my favorite an makes my skin look an feel younger
    vickiecouturier | 3 reviews

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  • 10

    Family Secret!!!

    From my grandmothers, to my mom-this has been in every medicine cabinet of my family. When I was younger, I thought it was "stupid" to worry about my skin and wrinkles! Boy have times changed!! I now know how GREAT this lotion is! I have used it since I hit my 40's and I get alot of "wrong" answers when asked about my age! I recommend this product not because of the way it mores to eliminate wrinkles, but also on mornings when I have been out late, using this after my morning shower makes my skin come back alive and fresh. I give this product 10 stars!
    Lynda | 2 reviews

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  • 10

    Used for over 20 years.

    This does not clog my pores. I have used this product for over 20 years. My grandmother used to use it. I always liked the way it felt on my skin.
    marieco21 | 1 reviews

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    Fountain of Youth

    Use this moisturizer daily! I tell my daughters even if it is a Saturday morning and they are getting ready to rush out to the day to be sure to cleanse their faces and put on Oil of Olay--even if they don't have time for make up. Everyone thinks i'm in my 30's and so surprised to learn i'm in my 50's -- some have mistakenly thought I was a friend of my daughter's shocked to learn I was their morem. So please don't ever change this product, please keep the same recipe!!!! Someone i met years ago when i was younger told me that was what they used & i remember at the time being shocked that they didn't look their age either :-)
    jenbenson | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Three Generations of Great Skin!

    When I was very small, there was a scent that I associated with my wonderful, beautiful grandmother. It wasn't until I was in my thirtes and finally needed a light moisturizer that I tried Olay Original. The moment I opened the bottle, I was transported to Grandma's lap and remembered exactly when I first came to know that scent. Today my grandma is gorgeous 97 year young woman with the skin of moremeone 40 years her junior, and that pink Olay Beauty Fluid is still her ENTIRE regimin! You can imagine - my mother and I both have follwed in her example, though I will admit to adding more Olay items to my lineup!
    Orchidcat | 3 reviews

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  • 8

    Gentle for sensitive skin

    I have had oily skin since my teens and am now sixty years old. My skin has always been sensitive. Since menopause the surface of my skin has a tendancy to be dry in the winter causing the oil to be blocked below the surface and cause pimples. I use Olay Active Hydrating Beauty Fluid without it irritating my sensitive skin.
    jbeitz | 3 reviews

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  • 9

    Light & Non-Greasy!

    For a moisturizer I use everyday - it's great! Great under make-up, great in the dry winter months, and great on humid summer days as well! Great price too!!
    ljsnort28 | 3 reviews

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  • 10

    Forget the rest - this is the best!

    I'm 60 and have used this product for over 30 years; people say I don't look over 40! This lotion absorbs quickly, is not sticky, doesn't interfere with make-up, doesn't get greasy as the day goes on and doesn't overwhelm you or those around you with a gaggy, sweet smell. I love it and will continue to use it until I'm 120! (and will only look 90!!)
    mesquaw8 | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Best Moisturizer Ever!

    I have used primarily this, for the past 20 years. I started using it cause my mom used it, but use it now because it is the best. It is soo light and easily absorbed. I have tried other versions, and even more expensive ones that have benefits, but this one smells nice, and is so nice on the skin for daily use. I love it.
    rosprncss | 1 reviews

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  • 6

    Olay original active hydrating beauty fluid

    It's very light. I especially like using it for additional moisture under foundation.
    awiley | 3 reviews

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