
The Product: CoverGirl NatureLuxe Gloss Balm The Price: $5.99 The Company Spiel: "Get the sheer color and shine of a gloss with the soft, lightweight feel of SPF 15 balm. Fortified with mango and shea butter, this feel-good formula leaves your lips feeling decadent and delicious." The Real Deal: I was a lip gloss girl for years, but lately they all seem too ... glossy,…

Even if you're a pink lip gloss and beige eyeshadow kind of gal, you can make the so-hot-for-spring neon trend work for you with these tips
If you're like me, you've already been to the mall to eagerly try on a pair of neon jeans -- only to find that they make your behind look twice as big. (Insert dejected face here.) Well, I say screw the jeans. Bright, bold makeup is where it's at. Next to coffee and eye cream, it's one of my favorite instant pick-me-ups. From hot pink lipstick to bright, checkerboard nails, there are so…

I'll go ahead and admit it: I'm a mascara hoarder. Of all the products I receive for work, mascara is one of the few things I just won't give away -- no matter how many extra tubes I have stashed in my medicine cabinet. You're probably imagining that I wear obscene amounts of the stuff -- my lashes are so weighed down that I can barely open my eyes. But that couldn't be further from the…

I'm not a huge makeup person. I know, it's weird considering where I work and what I write about every day. But, while my naked face may not look the part of a beauty editor, I am a certifiable product junkie. (I have to consciously limit my visits to CVS to once a month and I have a closet -- not a medicine cabinet -- a closet full of moisturizers, bath soaps, shampoos and other flagrant…

You know how there are those girls who seem to have an innate talent for pulling off the latest hair and makeup looks? Those who appear to effortlessly adapt cool waterfall braids or modern eyeliner applications with the greatest of ease? Yeah, well, I'm not one of them. I'm the chick who's been wearing the same lame "very black" mascara since 1992 and whose idea of "daring" makeup involves…

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