
If my husband had even the foggiest notion of how much of our hard-earned cash I fritter away on trying to look good, he might have a small cow. Scratch that. He'd have a big, honking moose. But, what's a girl to do? There are just some things that you simply cannot scrimp on. And, what's interesting to me is that we all have different ideas of what's splurge-worthy. My friend Whitney, for…

Most (who's joking -- all) mornings are hectic for me -- I get up early to squeeze in 20 minutes on the elliptical (at least three days a week), then juggle getting myself ready while making sure the kids actually brush their teeth and walk out the door fully clothed. So needless to say, by the time I arrive at the office, I'm exhausted. And because I, like many of my friends, think I can do…

Raise your hand if you're overwhelmed by the dizzying number of lipstick shades out there. Raise your hand if you haven't got the foggiest idea which of the dizzying number of lipstick shades out there would look good on you. Put your hands down. Whoops. Sorry. Simon says, "put your hands down." If you're like me, your hands were way up for both of those queries. I mean, seriously, perusing the…

Do you have one of those friends who, like you, leads an incredibly over-committed, frantic, no-time-for-herself life but, unlike you, always manages to look put-together and perfectly groomed? I do. And I hate her. Well, that's not entirely true since I also love her dearly, but sometimes the mere glimpse of her perfection secretly awakens the ugly green jealousy monster in me -- especially if,…

I may not be the target demo, but I have to admit that I like "Gossip Girl." And, it's not just because Chace Crawford is a babe (Meow!) and I went to private school in New York City. Nope. I like GG (as the kids call it) because of Blake Lively. I think she's downright adorable in a bunch of ways. Anytime I see her on a talk show or read an interview with her, she impresses me. Why?…

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