The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 9

    The Best Ever

    My favorite facial cream has been discontinued at Henry's, my local health food store. Hence, I am searching online for access. I have heard that she is having trouble keeping the company afloat in these rough financial times. I refuse to live without it though. Give it a shot to impress you too!
    JennyThompson | 1 reviews

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  • 1


    i tried this product on in a store along wit h Immediately VIsible Facelift by Rachel Perry. within 90 minutes i had hives under my eyes. they eventually became swollen shut. this product cost me a week of work, two doctors visits and MANY dollars in drugs to counteract the allergic reaction. DO NOT USE
    taradee | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Works all year

    Light enough for summer. Moisturizing enough for winter. Kept me sunburn free for a whole year in Iraq. This is good stuff for the price.
    ladrianne | 4 reviews

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  • 8

    Cheap never felt so luxurious

    - Light moisturizer with 15spf - smells lightly fruity -natural ingredients are a plus - very moderately priced at iherb web store -DO NOT GET NEAR EYES it stings
    nstar1983 | 32 reviews

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