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  • 9

    The only AHA moisturizer I'll use

    This product does an extremely good job at controlling oil throughout the day. With continued use, I can see the 'pores' on my nose shrinking. I only use this on my forehead and nose as I need moisture in other areas. Follow me on Twitter: BCmakeup Blogspot: The Lady Grind BC Makeup Artistry-St. Louis
    BCmakeup | 82 reviews

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  • 8


    I have to say I was fairly impressed with this product, because I didn't want to buy it. It's expensive. It's small. There's salicylic acid in it (for some reason, my skin reacts poorly to lotions with SA in it). And, it's really light. But after using it, it works. It's still small and expensive (I can't change those things), but my skin hasn't reacted badly to it yet. Actually, the lotion mores to be doing the job, and has kept me with a matte face. I do have to say though, that it took my skin at least 3 days to adjust from my heavy-cream like lotion to the very light lotion that this is. Thus, I had some flaking where my acne was healing. But now, without the flaking...the product is fine and my skin is good :)
    kyngsoo | 5 reviews

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  • 6

    oily skin

    I have combination skin, and I hate when my forehead is super oily after a few hrs. This product was suggested to me at a salon. I haven't decided if I like it or not. It may have improved the oiliness some but I don't know if it is enough of a result for me to buy it again. It's a little on the pricey side. I think it may have made my skin break out a little too. I stopped using it, so I can't say for sure, but the product has caffeine in it, and I try to avoid caffeine
    Taramee | 12 reviews

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