The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    I've been using this for quite some time. I really like it. It rarely irritates me only if I leave it on to long and only mildly. and big plus in every box you get a coupon towards your next purchase,
    miss899 | 8 reviews

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    Sally Hansen Extra strength hair remover for face

    It does smell bad but you don't have to keep it on long it does the job well. Sometimes my skin will be slightly irritated the next day. But not enough to stop using it. It is a quick and easy product
    Allison222 | 10 reviews

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  • 5

    I am not impressed

    I am not all that impressed with this product. It works ok on the fine hair on the sides of my face, but when it came to the upper lip and chin, it left a lot of the hair on my face, meaning it took the hair off in spots and left it in other spots. The last time I used it I noticed that it caused my face to feel "drawn up" and now my face has a splotchy look to it. I will keep my options open to other brands and have just gone back to waxing on my chin.
    bigKCfan | 19 reviews

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    Telling it like it is.

    Okay - I have facial hair and it drives me up the freaking wall. Little hairs above my lip...that make me feel disgusting. I have tried everything to get rid of them. Until I can afford Lasor hair removal, this is "hands-down" the best product I have ever come across. I've tried so many brands and methods - From bleaching to waxing to tweezing (ouch!) to creams...the list goes on. I more stubborn hair and it's not "blonde" either. This cream may not smell like roses, and it may sting a little (I have really sensitive skin), but my God, it will remove any hair you need removed! I highly recommend this product. It's the only cream that has consistently worked for me.
    Rachael15 | 5 reviews

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    Sally Hansen

    My daughter has facial hair and her skin on her face is really sensitive and this is the only product that does not break her face out.
    glnorm | 2 reviews

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  • 10

    Love it!

    If you are a chick and have problems with your "mustache", USE THIS! The smell is not bad at all and it works great! I haven't had my 'stache waxed in years! It delivers what it promises!
    Mupp1970 | 4 reviews

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    It works fast but stinks which is the case for most hair removers. But it doesn't leave rashes or dry out your skin. Good stuff. It lasts a while too. I do my lip and my eyebrows and have had it for a while.
    geronimo8540 | 15 reviews

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    Works good

    I tried this for my facial hair. Did not smell great but my face did not get red or dry and I did not break out after use. I liked the creme for after and the results were the best I have found so far.
    sunshine422us | 3 reviews

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