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  • 5

    no smudging but there's flaking

    I like the fact that it easily washes off. I don't need harsh cleaning that still leaves my eyes smudged for days like with regular mascara. BUT, it does flake off during the day. Not noticeable unless you look up close but I sometimes wonder how much of it is getting into my eyes. It goes on thick and sticks lashes together - I'm okay with that. If it wasn't for this mascara that I can easily wash off, I wouldn't wear mascara at all.
    bolinda | 31 reviews

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  • 5

    It was good, but not as good as I had hoped

    I really had expected to see tubes surrounding my lashes and thought I would get both length and volume. I definitely saw the length, but the volume wasn't there. It did add definition to my lashes and it was smudge-proof. When taking this mascara off, it appeared more like bits of paint rather than tubes. It lasted all day and while I thought this was an average mascara, I don't believe it is worth the $25 price tag.
    agirlsgottaspa | 17 reviews

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  • 6


    it was too gloppy for me
    jcarlson | 22 reviews

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  • 7

    Pretty good Mascara for a natural look.

    This mascara seemed very expensive although it does have good staying power on the lashes. They do a good range of colours rather than just Black and Brown which is a bonus. It lasts all day without flaking although I was dissapointed because Blinc Mascara doesn't give much volume to lashes as it claims, so best for a natural daytime lashes look. You also have to be careful when applying as it morean clump up the lashes, it took me a while to get the hang of applying this one. Don't get me wrong its very good
    janeypaney | 2 reviews

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  • 9


    I found Blinc Kiss Me Mascara online for $16.50. It does not flake off or smudge during wear; easily removed with water
    honeygal | 1 reviews

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  • 1


    If you already have long lashes, do not use this mascara, if you can even call it that. It made my lashes look like clumped up tubes, as if I only had 5-6 lashes! Normally my lashes are plush on their own, and this is a huge downer. I will stay with my DiorShow!
    kris10 | 6 reviews

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  • 10

    Love It

    I got a sample of this mascara and just loved it. Sent for more from their catalog. Well worth the price even if it is expensive
    ashleyh23 | 36 reviews

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  • 9

    One of the few mascaras I can wear without eye irritation

    I'm lucky to have eyelashes I'm pretty happy with, and unlucky to have pretty sensitive eyes. With all of the mega-volume-extra-length-super-curl products available these days, I despaired of finding a mascara for daily use that would just give my natural lashes a bit of a finished look. This product was my miracle find. It does enough to my lashes that I can pull off a quick 'natural' look more just some mascara and lip gloss, and it doesn't make my eyes prone to redness or itching. Better yet, when my eyes DO start watering for whatever reason, the worst that happens is a few of the little 'tubes' might come off, and they're easily wiped off. Much better than the smeary mess I've gotten from even waterproof products in the past. So if you want a natural daily-wear mascara, I'd really recommend this one.
    KrisUKUS | 6 reviews

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  • 10

    A Absolute Best Mascara on the Market

    The quality is superb. The masara does live up to it's claims. The length of wear is until you gently wash it off in the shower. Just takes water and gentle pressure. No flake, no run, waterproof. Great for us older gals that don't want to tug at our under eye area. Doesn't leave residue in the wrinkles. I love the stuff. I just hope the patent goes off soon, so it is mass produced at a decent price. It is the best, but pricey.
    MrsWils0n | 22 reviews

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  • 2

    A Lot of Hype, Low on Performance...

    I read all the reviews and thought this would be a great product. So I purchased it along with the eyeliner and the eyelash curler. The mascara does what it says,"it's natural looking, comes off in 'tubes', and provides a glossiness to the lashes". However, I don't like sacrificing volume and length just to get something that comes off easy. Also, care must be taken not to get anything morelse on the lashes, such as moisturizer or other make-up. I find this difficult to live with. It's not like I intentionally put stuff on my lashes, but good grief, I like to use moisturizer, eyeliner and shadow and something might get on the lashes. And when it comes to value...I find this product lacking. A lot was spent on the packaging, while the brush is not even the best I've used. Compared with my other mascara which is well under $10 this one is a big loser!
    suzmsteve | 3 reviews

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