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  • 10

    here's a tip to remove as many blackheads as possible

    I found that at first these strips did not work for me. I decided that maybe I would enlarge my pores so I used Biore's heated mask first and then did the pore strips. Made a huge difference for me!! Since I didn't want to keep buying the heated mask (even though it felt nice and warm on a cold day) because I didn't want to spend the money, I would instead fill the bathroom sink up with hot/warm moreater and put a towel over my head and sink for about 10 mins. This helped to enlarge my pores the same way. Doing stuff like this plays a huge part in the process. If your pores are larger, then the strips will work better!!! GOOD LUCK! :)
    ilovemybf | 37 reviews

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  • 7

    A Bit Too Effective

    Overall this is a good product. When used correctly, it can pull the gunk out of my pores that won't come out from normal cleansing and exfoliation. After using it, if you hold the strip against a white piece of paper and under a light, you can see tons of little pore-sized extractions stuck on it - fabulous! There are a couple of drawbacks, though. (In my experience) it's easy to use too much moreater on your face, in which case the strip will not properly adhere to your skin, and you will end up with a gunky white paste where you put the strip. To avoid this, I use them right after I get out of the shower, but have dried my face off (so my skin has had time to moisten and pores have opened up a bit). I then re-wet my face with warm water in the area where I will apply the strip, and run my (clean) fingers over the area so that it is wet, but there is not a lot of excess water. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, it should feel like dried paper mache on your skin. The other drawback is that when it does adhere properly, it adheres very tightly, and when you remove the gunk from your pores, it also feels like you're removing a bit too much skin. Nothing really severe, not like you can see layers of skin on the strip or anything, but it hurts coming off, and usually leaves a little redness where I have used it on my face. I use the strips about once every week or two, because I think the benefits outweigh these drawbacks. If you do use them, do not use them on any scabbed areas, open wounds, or zits, as the top layer sometimes comes off and leads to bleeding - yikes. I would still recommend them, though.
    kristennd | 10 reviews

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  • 1

    Too harsh

    It made my skin itch, it did NOT get rid of the blackheads, and it made my skin red. Plus, it was painful to pull it off. Really, what a waste of my money!
    kittielover | 62 reviews

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  • 6

    Good for on-the-surface; bad for deep cleaning

    Yes, it really works, and yes, it sort of looks like a porcupine--BUT only for pores that dirty a little bit near the top. If you're pores are dirty deep down, a sticker is not going to do it. It will pull the grim from the surface and if your grime is only on the surface, it may help pores shrink. No icky smell and little fuss involved. leaves skin feeling soft where applied. Can also cut to fit other areas of face. Just wet face & apply.
    whatagem | 33 reviews

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  • 9


    I've always had clogged pores on the sides of my nose..but i didn't really notice till i saw a picture (Taken from the side) and I was shocked, it looked gross! I can't believe all these years i was completely oblivious to it, I thought you could cover up anything with makeup. Well back in june/july i decided to try these and I must say I am very impressed. The strips usually don't pull anything moreut but within 2 weeks all those bumps were gone! In the beginning i used these every 3 days (for about a month) and now I only need to use them about once a week. I'm so much more confident knowing that my skin is clear and fresh looking.
    esh5891 | 21 reviews

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  • 6

    Biore pore strips

    I haven't used these in a while but have had bad acne when I was younger and was trying everything these would get off tons of black heads and my skin would feel smooth afterward.
    Spacecasegirl | 4 reviews

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    These are great. I actually have given myself a complete "facial cleansing" with them. I use them all over my face, even in spots where you don't see buildup in your pores. You definetly have to use them right or they won't be as effective. But if they are used properly they are great.
    Natalie808 | 3 reviews

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  • 7

    pore striips

    D017904 | 5 reviews

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  • 7

    Make You Dependent

    Depending on your skin type, you may or may not see results. I have larger pores and blackheads on my nose, so I see many results. It's an amazing feeling of conquer to peel off the strip and see all that nasty stuff deeply settled in my pores, and it does not hurt at all (I have tough skin). Problem is, you do develop dependency if it does work. At most a week later, all the blackheads come back and seem full blown, so you have to continue with it regularly. If only it lasted longer.
    mufasa | 22 reviews

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  • 9

    Wonderful Product

    If you need to remove blackheads, then this is perfect for you!This product works efficiently. I got them at Target and they were $1/strip, but i found out it was more cheaper at Walgreen's.It really hurts to pull it off, but the results are worth it.
    tammiee | 3 reviews

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