The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 10


    The capsules are easy to swallow and don't taste bad at all. I'm an oily girl already so I didn't notice too much of a difference in the "glowing" aspect because my skin is already dewy (maybe a little too dewy). BUT the difference I noticed was in my hair, which appears much more bouncy and healthy. Plus my nails are noticeably stronger. They used to be really brittle and would start to split moreo different layers every time I try growing them out, and I don't even wear nail polish! Now, they are thicker and don't break. I've been using Glow for about 3 weeks now and will continue to use it.
    Wanderflies | 81 reviews

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  • 8

    More Hydration!

    I was chosen to try Nature Made Glow for free for my honest opinion. I've been taking this supplement for several weeks and I have noticed an improvement in my skin's hydration levels. My skin, especially my face has dry patches and it seems as if this supplement has decreased dryness. I also noticed a subtle improvement in the way my skin feels. I had no idea this supplement would increase skin moreoftness, but it did! It's definitely more smooth and healthier looking. I must admit that I'm quite surprised that this supplement actually worked and I'm grateful that I got to try it. Another thing I like, is the small size of the capsules. They are very easy to swallow. However, I do have one concern about this product. In the ingredient list it contains soy. Unfortunately, 90% of the soy grown in the United States is genetically modified and I wish that the soy was listed as non - GMO or organic. Overall, I would give this product 8 solid stars!
    KPLeannepz1 | 161 reviews

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