The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Neaclear Liquid Oxygen Acne Wash

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    I am using the Liquid Oxygen 3 step system. I noticed a difference the first day I started using it. I have tried every acne product out there and nothing has really made a big difference. These products clean and clear without drying out my skin. The smell is refreshing and I can feel it working. This is the first time I ever used moisturizer - it is not oily at all. This is the best my skin has looked since before puberty!
    lenorewoods | 3 reviews

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    Started working the first day

    The whole Neaclear line has really been my saving grace I broke away from it for a few months and began trying new products just to see if there was something better out there for my skin, but everything else I tried either gave me an allergic reaction (little red bumps or a scaly rash) or broke me out in some sort of acne. Neaclear is very safe for sensitive, acne-prone, rosacea-flare up, more-prone, oily skin and it actually healed me up in the first two days from the last allergic reaction I had. I love this stuff and am stocking up. Thankfully you can get it on their website now because Ulta never keeps it in stock!
    jingeeloo | 2 reviews

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