The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 8

    just a smidge!

    a little bit goes a l o n g way with this. a little pricey, but when used with discretion, definitely worth it. careful, you can end up looking like a little kid who just played makeup!
    campfiire | 7 reviews

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  • 6

    great idea, but doesn`t last

    it goes on very smooth, never iritates the skin, looks very pretty, but the color is gone in the first hour
    georgiana | 15 reviews

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  • 7

    I love the fresh pink tone that o-glow tranformed into on my skin

    Although the color was awesome, and soooo neat, it didn't last more than 5 hours which was a bummer. The color is great though and gives me a natural flushed appearance.
    ebullientme | 1 reviews

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    This blush is okay. The color is beautiful, but it smears any other makeup you put on top of or underneath it.
    KristenCun | 7 reviews

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  • 4

    No glo for me

    this was too weird for me... I prefer simple and easy to use. So thanks but no thanks to no glo.
    eileen06 | 152 reviews

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  • 1

    Does NOT look natural-

    Sorry, Smashbox, but no one blushes in hot pink or fuschia.
    hellobob | 32 reviews

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  • 8

    suzstrn and o-glow

    I've used this product for a year now and can't say enough about it!It truely is a very natural -"just a bit flushed" look -something I love!Goes on very smooth,lasts all day for me!I play around with others from time to time but always go back to o-glow
    suzstrn | 1 reviews

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  • 7

    Remember "mood lipstick" "mood" blush!

    I was quite intrigued by this product and had also received a special offer from my favorite store today- so it was hard to pass up trying this item (offer was get x amount of points to "spend" later). I get to the store and then asked about this product- it is more costly in Canada as well $34 plus 15% tax! As soon as I saw the Smashbox O Glow I was instantly reminded of the mood moreicks that were supposed to change to an individual colour. I did notice that on the tester tube had some of the product on it and that without touching anyones skin the product was pink when exposed to air. That just lead me to think the product is definitely was more hype than anything. Still I like trying new blushes and was looking for a new product- so that fits the bill.
    ottawa00 | 22 reviews

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  • 1

    Gimmick Gel Blush

    If any of you are old enough to remember the first time “mood” lipsticks were introduced in the early 1980’s you probably aren’t reading this review or were smart enough to avoid this lame gimmicky “blush” from Smashbox. I am putting quote marks around the word blush when I refer to O-Glow “Blush” in this review because I don’t consider it moreBlush. It’ more of a vile and wretched ooze that summons the evil mood lipstick nymphs of the 1980’s to ruin your complexion. But I digress. I remember my first tube of that green waxy mood lipstick. It looked so “punk” (I being a suburban kid in the 80’s wanted to be Punk Rock Oh so bad.) I bought it secretly so my mother wouldn’t object…just like how I shaved the side of my head when she went out of town. What a rebel I was walking around the mall with half of my hair gone and combat boots purchased at the Army/Navy surplus store…but I digress again. I wanted to try this product when I saw it because I was feeling nostalgic. Perhaps it was the fact that I couldn’t find it in stores or the fact that my Misfits CD had just gone missing but in a grasp to hold on to the warm and fuzzy teenage punk rock angst memories I clicked “complete order” and the “blush” was shipped to me the next day. I put a little bit of this clear gel on my cheeks and it immediately started to turn my skin a bright, gaudy, fuchsia pink. Eck! The only good thing about O-Glow is that it came off with a little makeup remover...which is more than I can so for those dang “mood” lipsticks from the 1980‘s. Those things were lip stain’s evil twin! The fuchsia color clung to your lips like white on rice and wouldn’t fade for two or more days. Chapped flakes of bright pink lip skin would remain on your lipsmackers tube for days after use. But I digress yet again. The gel was too watery and almost slid off of my face before I could rub it in. Perhaps it was trying to save me the shame of a fuchsia cheek but I think it’s just a bad product. I gave this junk “blush” it to my niece as a big “phbbbtbtbtt” to my brother for making fun of my black khol eyes and shaved head whilst cracking my favorite Clash LP (The Clash first album- self titled) as he ripped it off of the record player to listen to *barf* Bruce Springsteen. Let’s see HIS little girl walk around w/ “mood” cheeks & combat boots* for a change. So to bring back a catch phrase from the 80’s “Just say NO” to O-Glow. It’s a gimmick and not worth the HIGH price (financially and physically) I paid for this product. Oh and just so you know, red dye #27 is all that this “blush” has that makes it go from clear to crap…uh I mean pink. *Note: Combat Boots are no included with your purchase of O-Glow Blush.
    PinkSith | 9 reviews

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    I'm in the minority

    But I love this blush more than any other. In fact, I rarely wore blush until I found this one. Yes it's scary pink when you first get it out of the tube, but just a little blending and it's gorgeous. I think it DOES look different on different people too.
    dellapina | 1 reviews

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