The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 10


    This stuff is amazing. I use it before I blow dry, or right before I flat iron. keeps my hair smooth and silky, but not weighed down. I have fine hair, so I do not have to use a lot. I only use half a pump and work it from the ends up. recommend for any hair type.
    princess21 | 34 reviews

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  • 10

    super skinny serum

    I just absolutely love this serum it does in fact make your dry hair really shiney! But you can also at Sally hair supply buy a generic version of this that smells and works just as good as this product.
    Windy1 | 1 reviews

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  • 6


    I neither loved or hated the stuff. It added intense shine, but it also weighed down my hair sometimes. It smells great and you only have to use a small amount, but in the end, it didn't win me over.
    CuspOfMagic | 45 reviews

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  • 10

    Really does tame frizz

    Really amazing, helps tame the frizz. Does what it says. Also long lasting. I really wish it would help my thick hair be less but I know it's purpose is a serum and it does it's job. I would flat iron my hair with this product and no frizz at all but my hair would still be very thick.
    Loyalty | 59 reviews

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  • 10


    This gives way more shine over any other product I've ever tried, including that Moroccan Oil stuff.
    kat_rose_23 | 8 reviews

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  • 9

    The Best

    Paul Michell's Super Skinny Serum is outstanding. Not only does it tame the frizzes and gave my hair incredible shine, it helps it dry too. A huge help when you have long, thick hair. I left it in and dabbed a bit on the next day and it didn't glop up on my hair. The scent is nice. I would recommend this product to anyone with the frizzes
    Saucy53 | 3 reviews

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    I love this, no regrets.

    I don't know what I would do without this super skinny serum. It tames my frizz, it adds shine and glossiness without looking oily. It keeps my hair nice and soft, without weighing it down. And it lasts forever! I bought my first bottle in the middle of October, and now it's almost May and I still have half a bottle left! I don't heat style my hair, but I don't want it to look messy, this keeps more radiant and in place. I also love the pump. Application is wonderful, fast, and easy. I think this is probably the best hair product for textured hair.
    Lyubov | 10 reviews

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  • 7


    the paul mitchell super skinny serum is great for quickening your drying time, or mixing with gloss drops to top off your blowdry for a smooth sexy shine. it smells wonderful, and the 17$ bottle really lasts. however, i would be aware that there is alcohol in it so use it sparingly. if your hair is very dry, damaged, or bleached id reccomend skipping this and using the gloss drops alone. or moreing the serum with the super skinny balm. it wont make your drying time faster but it will be easier on your fragile hair. this product gives great results, but i had to knock off some stars for the alcohol that damages your hair overtime.
    princessfarrah | 23 reviews

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  • 9

    Great for long hair

    This serum has cut down on my drying time considerably, It also adds shine and controls frizz. It is expensive, but worth the price. A small bottle will last for months.
    Wannabe | 85 reviews

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    When my hair feels like acting up, I tame it with super skinny serum. I love this stuff to death. A bad hair day can be turned into a great one and you can buy it for a sensible price. It works on all of my friends, meaning it works on hispanics, asians, caucasians, and african americans.
    makeupfanatic95 | 6 reviews

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