The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Katie Price's Well Endowed New iPod: Her Body

Posted on August 20, 2010, 2:19 PM

She looked like what a futuristic Wonder Woman would look like according to the 70s. In her skintight silver costume, Katie Price was reborn this morning as an iPod.

Katie Price's Well Endowed New iPod: Her Body

Playmate, author and perfumer Katie Price, joined Apple to come out with her own line of iPods. The Nanos are covered in hearts, stars and butterflies based off of her own tattoos, which she has all over her body. The iPods look perfect for a 12-year-old girl who's into Hello Kitty and plays with Barbie. The ultra-girly iPods may or may not be a hit, but Price boldly launched the line today at the West London launch dressed completely from head to toe (literally) in iPods.

She looked like what a futuristic Wonder Woman would look like according to people from the 70s. In her skintight silver superhero-esqe costume with matching boots, Katie Price was reborn this morning as an Amazon woman beamed to earth from a planet that only has spandex. Wearing a headdress displaying her personalized iPods, mini pink Nanos as earrings and an iPod shuffle between her G-sized breasts, the former British topless model couldn't be more proud of her silver iPod costume. Others, however, astutely asked, "Is it over the top?"

The pink, purple and silver iPods are the first personalized iPods to ever be produced for one individual or brand. Price's iPods, however, will not be available in the Apple stores, but only exclusively sold on her website.

She said at the launch to MailOnline, "I'm really excited about my iPod range and love the way they have turned out. Being involved in the design process was fantastic and really gave me the opportunity to develop and create exactly what I wanted. Hopefully, this is just the beginning and you will be seeing more from my boutique range."

Though the budding entrepreneur may be known for a variety of things such as a "musician" with one hit single, an "author" with a fiction novel titled "Paradise" or as a former model, the mother of three is best known in the beauty world for her unabashed enthusiasm for multiple plastic surgeries.

Among the multiple cosmetic surgeries, Price had about three breast augmentations until finally settling for 30G breasts, a nose job and lip implants. She reminds me of reality TV star Heidi Montag's more recent plastic surgery obsession declaring that she wanted H-sized breasts for "Heidi."

To go along with the Amazon glamour woman look, Price sported extremely lengthy false eyelashes. Everything about this woman's look today screamed fake. As a Korean, I was unfortunately not blessed with natural lashes and thus depend on falsies, but there are correct and incorrect ways to wear lashes to help make you look more beautiful rather than gimmicky. You can check out this video to see how to apply false lashes like a pro.

With the launch of her own iPods, Price is continuing to venture into all media fields -- namely, reality TV. Hinting at a new reality TV show, Price said, "You wait 'til you see what I do next year, it's right up my street, and I've been wanting to do it for five years this programme. It will be very entertaining, put it that way, but it's not reality."

I can't wait for her "non"-reality TV show and also can't wait to hear her pending new album. What an ambitious iPod clad woman.

By Sharon Yi


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