The Fashion Spot Momtastic


  • Seven Anti-Aging Products That Work

  • Posted by Kristen on February 1, 2010 at 03:48PM
  • There's something about anti-aging products that makes happy.

  • Sounds a little nutty, I know, but it's gotta be the buoyed hope I get from reading the packaging. Promises of "fewer these' and "plumped those" totally pump me (if not my wrinkles) up.

  • Now, don't get me wrong, actually choosing which ones to purchase can induce a full-blown anxiety attack. Seriously, how is any mortal woman who doesn't hold a degree in molecular chemistry and biology supposed to make heads or tails of all that's out there without ingesting a Xanax or two?

  • Well, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret;'s message boards.

  • Readers jump at the chance to share good experiences with things they've tried -- and are equally eager to denigrate the ones that, what's the word? Oh, yeah, SUCK.

  • Here's a compilation of some of the recent faves. Take a gander, you know you want to!

  • No. 1: SuperMel C (by Serious Skin Care -- only on HSN): "It has a potent antioxidant from a rare melon and, so far, it's working. [I have] soft skin, and my fine lines are diminishing!" -- Scrantongal, reader

  • No. 2: NightSkin: "It's not a brand name but I'm happy with it. I've noticed (my friends too) that my wrinkles have reduced, the spots on my face are less visible, and my skin feels tighter, younger." -- Emma-Johnson, reader

  • No. 3: Tight, Firm, & Fill by BeautiControl:

  • "The results are immediate! Within an hour you will see a difference in your skin because it plumps out the wrinkles! It also works over the long term to produce more collagen and tighten. It is a miracle cream." -- Francinegerman, reader

  • No. 4: Dermophisiologique Anti-Age Serum:

  • "The results are instantaneous and, after 1 month, my skin appears more luminous and smooth. The brand is Italian and not well-known in the U.S. but is worth a try." -- Ely1979, reader

  • No. 5: Olay Regenerist Daily Rejuvenating Serum:

  • "This stuff is amazing. It absorbs quickly and you can't feel it on your skin. I'm almost 40 and have recently been mistaken for a college student!" -- MariaLove, reader

  • No. 6: Vitamin Enhanced Face Firming Serum from Made from Earth:

  • "I [was able to stop] using it after six months because it naturally improved my skin's own ability to tighten and heal itself. I saw a major difference." -- Nancyw999, reader

  • No. 7: Skin Renue by ElanVeda:

  • "It's not only priced right, but is natural and actually works. A couple of drops around the eyes and mouth on those tiny little wrinkles (or wrinkles to be) and you will have incredibly soft, smooth skin." -- Beauty963, reader

  • • Need more guidance? Consult this list of the Best Anti-Aging Serums.

  • • Had it with going-it alone? Here's a list of the secrets used by top dermatologists to keep their skin looking its best.

  • • If it ain't broke, you won't have to fix it! Here's a guide to your best defense against aging in the first place.

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