The Fashion Spot Momtastic


  • LUSH Employees Bare It All for a Cause

  • Posted by Sarah on August 29, 2008 at 03:08PM
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  • On Wednesday, brave employees in LUSH stores in 23 cities across the country wore only aprons that said "Ask me why I'm naked" to protest the over-use of packaging and educate customers about the impact packaging has on the environment. (See them below -- don't worry, we blurred out anything that's not PG.)

  • It's a great cause since packaging contributes 2 percent of all greenhouse gasses and the United States alone consumes 79.6 million tons of packaging each year. LUSH is trying to do its part by selling "naked" products like their shampoo bars (above) and soaps without packaging and uses 100 percent post-consumer waste for all of their plastic bottles.

  • Check out other brands that are making a difference in our Top Toxin-Free Beauty Brands story and find out what impact your beauty routine has on the planet with this quiz.

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  • Member Comments

    Your Comment:

    • This is over the top. Going too far in the name of advertisement. I don\'t want to go in a shop and see some naked people. it\'s a turnoff!

      by AYOabj Wednesday, June 30, 2010 at 04:45PM Report as inappropriate

    • I\'m not going to lie this agitates me. I look at this and I have to ask myself \"Now is that really necessary?\" I mean this is just ridiculous! Anymore advertising is just so in your face. If i\'m buying some shampoo the last thing i want or expect to see is someone\'s naked butt. I mean couldn\'t they have worn a liatard like they do in the movies to make themselves appear naked. It would have the same effect. Why does everything have to have a gimick anymore? A good product does not need a gimick. Futhermore, this gives a bad name to their cause. It\'s lost because all I see is ridiculous naked people. People that don\'t care about green can argue that this is one of the reasons why they don\'t get into it. They feel this cause is associated with the granola toting, hemp wearing, hippie. This is not the case, but again the message tends to be lost if things are not delivered properly. I don\'t want to go into a store and feel like i\'m being visually molested by the over the top advertisements/endorsements. Eco friendly products like Cargo Plant Love have the right idea. A good innovative product sells itself. I thought about trying some Lush products but now I must say that i\'m annoyed with them and have no desire to purchase any of their products. When companies like Lush get over the top with their causes/advertising I toon out and ignore them.

      by Shelleybean Monday, September 1, 2008 at 02:06PM Report as inappropriate

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