The Fashion Spot Momtastic


  • Sarah Palin's Newsweek Cover

  • Posted by Kristen on October 10, 2008 at 09:14AM
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  • OK, we couldn't go without saying something about this infamous cover. Sarah here got her copy of the the mag and immediately felt bad for Palin because she was caught with (gasp!) a hairy lip and unkempt brows. I felt bad for her too, well somewhat. But if I was running for the VP position and knew that my face would be plastered on every newspaper, magazine and Web site, I think I might take five minutes to zap some unsightly hairs. We know she has a hairstylist that travels with her and I'm sure a makeup artist too, so why are those experts not suggesting to her that she groom herself a bit? Hell, the makeup artist should be plucking those things for her!

  • I do think it's totally fair for Newsweek to run a photo without retouching it, but I understand the other side of it too (and in Palin's defense, her lip looks totally hair-free in press photo we dug up above. I did major zooming to confirm that.)

  • Bottom line: We all need a reminder to groom our brows and wax our upper lips. I'm way overdue for a brow shaping, so good thing Newsweek doesn't want my mug on the cover -- ha! Check out our hair removal guide if you need help in that department too. Or better yet, watch this how-to lip wax video if you're in the same boat with Sarah Palin.

  • Image: Getty Images

  • Member Comments

    Your Comment:

    • The sad truth is that today\'s media is no longer the unbiased institution it was of yesteryear. The outing of former agent Valerie Plame attests to the symbiotic relationship between the press and politicians. One photographer stated that she purposefully photographed John McCain to look old and tired in his photoshoot for the cover of a national news magazine because she didn\'t like him. I don\'t know if Newsweek set up a Palin photo shoot (like beauty magazines do), but when news magazines set up shoots the same way as beauty magazines, then they should treat their subjects the same way. These newsmagazine covers are planned in the same way beauty magazine are. Shame on Newsweek, particularly when they know that people make more judgements about a woman\'s appearance that they do for a man. (Newspapers report what a woman politician wear but not what the man wears. Does it matter that Hillary and Nancy Pelosi wear pantsuits?). Do you think they would have run a similar picture of Hillary Clinton when she was first lady without doing refinishing? This was a blatant attempt to influence voters.

      by D_Chrysalis Monday, October 20, 2008 at 07:34AM Report as inappropriate

    • Aw, how embarrassing! I don\'t think Newsweek should have airbrushed the cover (there\'s enough of that going on these days) but they probably could have found a better picture! I don\'t really like Sarah Palin but I still feel for her, how mortifying!

      by beachgirl25 Friday, October 10, 2008 at 09:32AM Report as inappropriate

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