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What Causes Rosacea?

What Causes Rosacea?

Learn what causes rosacea and what you can do about it

Many people suffer from rosacea, a chronic and inflammatory skin condition that primarily affects the face, causing redness, pustules and bumps that often are mistaken for acne or eczema. In order to better understand rosacea and how to treat it, the first thing you need to find out is what causes rosacea. While there is no single answer that can explain what the exact cause is, there are numerous potential triggers that are responsible. People with a lighter skin color tend to experience rosacea more than dark-skinned individuals, and abnormalities in the blood vessels on the face are often part of what causes rosacea. These vessels can cause flushing, persistent redness and visible blood vessels, although it is difficult to determine what exactly causes the inflammation. Read How To Treat Rosacea The Right Way for a list of suggestions and tips that will help combat your rosacea once and for all.

H. pylori bacteria, which is found in the gut and stimulates the production of bradykinin (which causes blood vessels to dilate) is another thing that causes rosacea. Also, a microscopic mite known as demodex folliculorum which live on human skin has been found to be in a higher number on the skin of patients with rosacea. Caffeine sometimes causes rosacea, among other foods that trigger outbreaks, from dairy products to spicy foods to extra hot drinks. If you also suffer from eczema, you may want to check out Best Products For Eczema Relief for a list of recommended products that will help soothe your problem skin.

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by EricaC123 Friday, December 28, 2012 at 04:33PM Report as inappropriate

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