My Trick for Applying Perfect Eyeliner Every Time

Posted 01/21/11 at 02:30PM by Rebekah George
Who says that being a beauty consultant is all glamourous fun and games? While it certainly beats digging ditches, Total Look video host, Rebekah George, is always on the run and hardly has time to unpack before hopping on another plane for another job. Good thing she knows how to look good on the fly!
Here, our fearless host shares her insider trick on how to perfectly apply eyeliner every time. (Yes, she's in an airport bathroom - how's that for dedication?)
Impressed? Click through if you want to know about the cool skin care tool that keeps Rebekah's complexion camera ready -- whether she's at 35,000 feet or at sea level!
Here, our fearless host shares her insider trick on how to perfectly apply eyeliner every time. (Yes, she's in an airport bathroom - how's that for dedication?)
Impressed? Click through if you want to know about the cool skin care tool that keeps Rebekah's complexion camera ready -- whether she's at 35,000 feet or at sea level!

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I knew about "locking" my arm, but I generally move straight for right to left or left to right. Thanks for the hint!
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This is some really great stuff! I also love Rebekah's passion for what she does!
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gotta love liner!
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haha, the echo in the bathroom is a little distracting. I personally just rest my hand against my cheek to stabilize it. Going back and forth is good though, if you don't mind a slightly thicker line.
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eyrb ruyb sghmb
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