How To Recreate Sofia Vergara's SAG Eye Makeup

Posted 01/30/12 at 06:48AM by Audrey Fine

Would you love to re-create the look on yourself? Here's what her makeup artist, Kathleen McAdams, did to bring out the purple tones in both her Marchesa gown and her jewelry.
"I started with COVERGIRL Liquiline Blast Eyeliner in Brown Blaze, $9, at the outer corner of the upper lash line and all the way along the bottom," says McAdams. I applied COVERGIRL Eye Enhancers 1-Kit Shadows in Forever Fig, $3.19, over the entire lid starting at the outer corners and blending towards the center. I then used COVERGIRL Eye Enhancers 1-Kit Shadows in Brown Smolder, $3.19, at the outer corners and along the bottom lash line. I finished the eyes with two coats of COVERGIRL LashBlast Volume Blasting Mascara in Very Black, $7.49, on both the top and bottom lashes."
And, that's it! Of course, it doesn't hurt to have beautiful eyes to begin with. (Psst. If you want to make the most of your lashes, follow these pro steps.)

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I think that is a look that I could duplicate.
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First, I love Sofia Vergara. She is a woman with real curves and she shines with beauty from the inside out. Second, This is one of my favorite makeup looks on her. She glows and looks beautifully natural! Third, I love her eyes but, keep in mind, these women always have false lashes for the most impact!
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lover her
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i love her look! and i'm so glad she actually wears the products she endorses and looks good doing it! i bet she's wearing false lashes though...
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