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  • 5

    Not as impressed as I thought I'd be!

    I had the chance to try out a sample of this foundation, and I was really excited to test it out. But after about a week of use, I'm disappointed overall. First of all, and maybe this is just my bottle, but it's nearly impossible to get out of the bottle. Tapping it on my hand doesn't work, storing upside down doesn't help. Instead, I have to use a mini scoop to get product out. I have more skin, and my nose and forehead are usually my oily areas. Within three hours, I was oily. I also have broken capillaries in my cheeks, and this did not cover as well as I'd hoped.
    justine_smith | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Long Lasting with Sun Protection!

    I received a bottle of Neutrogena Long Lasting Liquid makeup via Buzz Agent. If I had not received the product as a trial, I likely would not have ever tried it out. My skin is oily, sensitive and prone to breakouts. Most breakouts have occured when I have tried new foundations or powders. Since I have found a product, that I have been using for several years, that did not cause my skin to moret, I was content to continue using that product. The thing that made the Neutrogena Long Lasting foundation seem appealing to try, was that the product literature stated that you did not need to use a powder along with the liquid makeup to make it stay in place. My least favorite thing about the method I had been using of applying foundation and then a pressed powder, was that the powder seemed so visible and almost gave my skin a dry look. I have used the Neutrogena product for a couple of weeks now and I do not need a powder to make it stay in place, and I also do not have to reapply the makeup during my work day. No touch ups neccessary!!! I have also not suffered any breakouts from the Neutrogena makeup and it does a great job keeping my oily skin from making my face appear shiny. Add in the benefit of the SPF 20, and I will likely make this my new regular brand of makeup. I will also recommend this product to friends and family who wear makeup.
    Teona3 | 1 reviews

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  • 9

    Easy to apply and great coverage with Neutrogena

    I was lucky enough to get an opportunity to try Neutrogena's Long Wear Foundation for free through BzzAgent. I don't normally like full coverage foundation for everyday usage, but I have been very impressed with the lightness of this foundation! It covers very well and gives a very smooth finish. I also appreciate the SPF that is "hidden" inside so I don't have to take the extra step of putting more potentially greasy sunscreen. I also am impressed with the color match. I was a little skeptic that it would work for me at first, but I think I will continue to wear it after my free bottle runs out!
    Adcq | 1 reviews

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  • 8

    Love This Make up!

    I had the privilege of trying this make up through Bzz agent. I really love it. It really evens out my skin tone and provides full coverage. It does not feel heavy at all. It's a breathable make up that actually lasts for the full 12 hours maybe even more. I have been using this for the past week and my skin has been radiant and glowing. The one thing I have noticed is that after a couple of uses moreit is really slow trying to get it out of the bottle. I think it Neutrogena could improve this by placing it in a bottle with a pump. Other than that one small issue I really enjoy this make up!
    amru23 | 1 reviews

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  • 8

    Loving the Coverage

    I am loving the Neautragena Nourishing Long Wear Makeup I recieved free from Bzz Agent. I first noticed that it was difficult to get out of the bottle but that was easily solved by shaking the bottle with warm hands. I love how easy it is to blend with my fingers and how it goes on matte instead of shiny. This product will stay on my skin for at least twelve houres before I notice any settlement moreround my nose and fine lines. Also after the four weeks of use I do see a noticeable change to my skin tones and texture. I had a hard time deciding on a color as they are labeled different than my prior foundation so I did pick a shade a little too dark for me. I would definitely purchase this foundation again although I'd take a shade lighter than Buff to replace Creamy Natural.
    jasmine_scheller | 1 reviews

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  • 9

    great foundation, hydrating and great coverage

    I recived with foundation from Bzzagent and I am in love with it. You to can give your skin a hydration boost while maintaining all day coverage. The Neutrogena foundation adapts to the textures and tones of your face for a seamless finish. It last up to 12 hours and feels smooth, silky and breathable. I have used it for up to two weeks now and I am amzaed to see that it has helped with my morel complexion and skin texture. I am able to see the dark sports fade away. I love the multipurpose use, it has SPF, antioxidants and vitamins that are great for your skin. Amzing coverage and color selection. Perfect foundation for any day. Love it.
    fioreXO | 1 reviews

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  • 8

    Loving this long-wear foundation

    I received this foundation as a Bzzagent and I love it! It is a nice full coverage foundation. Going on, it feels thick & heavy but once it is rubbed in, it seems very light and smooth maintaining awesome full coverage! This is my new go-to foundation. The things I don't like about it: It is extremely difficult to get out of the bottle. It is thick, and you are supposed to pour it out!? I wish morey made it a pump or something. The other issue I have is that it claims to hide fine lines. I didn't feel it did anything for my fine lines! However, this foundation is moisturizing and my skin feels healthier when I use it. Its coverage is impeccable and long lasting, and the color matches my tone perfectly. I love this foundation!!
    celia_emmons | 1 reviews

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  • 7

    Just what I needed this winter

    I got this foundation to try and review from BuzzAgent. In all honesty, I've not worn much foundation in my life and have kept my makeup regimen to mostly eye shadow, mascara, blush, lip gloss and occasionally a bronzer. I was a bit skeptical at first because I didn't want to feel like I was wearing a mask. As I applied, I was worried that I got a shade too dark but it smoothed out nicely and moreded with my skin perfectly so that I didn't even notice it. What I appreciate about this product is that it smooths out my skin and evens out my skin tone which gives me a boost of confidence in the middle of this dreary winter where my skin tends to be noticeably dull and blotchy. I'm not sure if this is something that I would wear in the summer (only time will tell) but I now consider myself to be a dedicated user of this product during these winter months!
    tuc05342 | 1 reviews

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  • 8

    Does what it says!

    I was skeptical when I first tried this makeup. The new Neutrogena Nourishing Long Wear Makeup talks up a good game - but can it deliver? I have extraordinarily dry skin and usually I use a BB cream instead of foundation because foundation tends to flake off. Neutrogena came through for me on this detail. I could barely tell I had any dry flakes on my face. The only place I noticed them was right moreabove my nose where the foundation kind of makes them noticeable. Otherwise, no noticeable flakes at all. While I did notice some brightening of my skin and a little improvement in the skin tone, the results were not overwhelming. I do like how it stayed on all day long - and I didn't notice it rubbing off on any of my clothes or even on my phone. The consistency of the liquid is just about right - didn't run all over and wasn't gloppy and gross. It smoothed on nicely and evened out nicely. The color match was perfect. I have to be careful because I am very fair skinned and you really couldn't tell I was wearing it. All in all - I enjoyed this makeup and am having my daughter try it as well (she is 14 years old) because it also seems to be very safe and very much good for your skin. The Neutrogena brand continues to impress me with their products.
    kfrisk | 1 reviews

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    Good but needs Improvement

    I was given this free from BzzAgent to test and give my review on. I loved how smooth and natural it felt. It took a little longer than usual to blend into my skin tone but that didn't bother me. I honestly forgot I was wearing it after a while because it is so comfortable on my skin. I do have two problems with it though. It doesn't seem like it would cover blemishes that well especially because moreof the extra blending needed. Also the bottle is glass and I found myself tapping it like a bottle of ketchup.
    leanne_hawker | 1 reviews

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