The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 9

    Very Good

    This is excellent for the price around $2 at WalMart. It protects against nicks, moisturizes, smells nice & doesn't irritate my legs. What more can you want?
    Wannabe | 85 reviews

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  • 9

    Made the switch

    When I began shaving my legs I had many difficulties with irritation so I always used an expensive shave gel, I was amazed when I tried Pure silk, it leaves legs smooth and not dry, and because it is more of a foam it last longer, plus it is much cheaper too :)
    jennifer_hutka | 9 reviews

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  • 10

    so nice! so cheap!

    i've tried so many shaving creams and this is the best! I have the orange bottle (?) and i love it because its unscented or at least none that i can smell. i just hate the fake fruity smell.
    breereinke | 79 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  1 of 3 people said helpful

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