The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 8

    it's ok

    i've been using this for about a week now, every day. the powder, if used alone gives a light coverage, like if u dont need the whole makeup look, just to polish your face a bit, but dont expect it too really cover anything. i've also used it with a foundation underneath (same thing covergirl clean, sensitive skin). it looks much better that way. my only complaint is that the puff that comes moree doesn;t seem to settle the powder on your face nicely, if used over a foundation or alone. it looks dusty. using a good quality brush works much better. it smells nice and clean and it feels fresh, not heavy at all. it does last pretty much all day, i only apply it once. it;s not bad at all.
    slavica | 12 reviews

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  • 7

    it's okay

    I got the same color I normally get in other brands but this one was a bit off and it was noticeable. It doesn't really cover to well either you have to add a bit more and that only makes it cake-y. However, it is really light and breathable, and is great for sensitive skin. The pack is extremely hard to open though so beware if you have long nails.
    windoweyes | 64 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  4 of 5 people said helpful

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