The Fashion Spot Momtastic
The Body Shop Invent Your Scent - The Collection

The Body Shop Invent Your Scent - The Collection

As low as

13 Awful-Smelling Fragrances

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  • 10

    so much fun!

    This was my first experience with perfume--and thus the addiction began. It is the perfect gift for a fun girl who likes to change it up. The scents are gorgeous on their own or for a more unique touch, mix them! one of the best things about this set is trying to figure out which scents mix together is a beautiful way. I love love love these scents!!!!
    balletfreak728 | 59 reviews

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  • 9

    So much fun!

    Some girls have their signature scents, but I am all about variety. And what is better than being able to mix and match scents. I like mixing the rogueberry with amorito. I can change my perfume to my mood, so much fun! They even give you an instruction manual.
    maryh | 5 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  1 of 1 people said helpful

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