The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 10

    I love it.

    I used to have pretty bad skin in junior high and it gradually got better as I got older, but I still get pimples now and then. I started using this product about a year ago, and it's made a world of difference. I swear by this product and tell all my friends about it. It's gentler than other products I've used before, from pure tea tree oil to Benefit's boo boo zap.
    balinese283 | 9 reviews

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  • 10


    This stuff is great! My sister and I both swear by it! She has severe acne and I just get a pimple now and then, and it works great for both of us. It does sting a little though.
    tpa09 | 11 reviews

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  • 8

    Great product

    I think this product is great. It took a little getting used to and the smell isn't the greatest, but I just put a little of this stuff on a forming pimple at night and by morning the pimple is pretty much gone. I haven't had any results in using it for other blemishes, but for ever so often pimples it works great. Just make sure you don't put too much on otherwise it runs all over and it can dry out that area of your face.
    elisheva19 | 9 reviews

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    Waste of Money

    This did absolutely nothing beneficial for my skin. It had a weird smell and made my eyes water, it dried out the spots I applied it and made my skin red and uncomfortable. I usually really like Burt's Bees products, so I was really disappointed with this.
    PandaPoof | 12 reviews

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