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  • 9

    It's the best

    I have been using for a long time, and I perspire heavily. But I also have sensitive skin which doesn't allow me to use the heavy duty brands. this moisturizes the underarm skin, yet keeps me reasonably dry. It also doesn't get on clothes, which is major plus for me. I would (and have) recommended it to a friend.
    divadev | 10 reviews

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  • 5

    Eh, ok

    It's not clear except when you apply it.. as a deoderant it works well.. I would be tickeld to find a deoderant that claims to be clear and actually is!!
    MakeupPro | 9 reviews

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  • 8

    Love this!

    I have this antiperspirant in smooth cashmere, sensitive skin, and powder. I love it! I never have to worry about smelling bad or smelling too strong and fruity. It's not completely clear though (if I change my shirt through the day, sometimes I'll have white marks at the bottom of my shirt), but I'm okay with that since I never wear black.
    YFB | 125 reviews

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  • 7

    Smell great and work fine, but that's about it.

    This product smells great...I like Cool Essentials and the one with the yellow cap (forgot the name of it.) The product works fine as a deodorant, but it does NOT go on clear. That is fine for me, because I wear it to school and when I go to school I wear a white polo shirt.
    ateensmakeupbag | 56 reviews

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  • 5

    Not Bad

    It's a decent deodorant product for its price, but it doesn't really help with antiperspiration too well. Compared to most deodorant , it is clear enough.. but still not exactly "clear".
    kktt800 | 12 reviews

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  • 2

    not great

    I didn't have a great experience with this product. It didn't stop me from perspiring and it also left white marks on my shirts.
    budgk2 | 18 reviews

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  • 6

    It's a miss

    Goes on semi-clear, nice scent, holds up okay in the winter. Definitely not a heavy duty antiperspirant. I'd only recommend this if you don't have too much of a sweating problem.
    ayquelocura | 10 reviews

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  • 2

    Its not clear!

    I bought this deodorant in hopes of it not leaving white marks on my shirts. Well, it did. I will never buy this again and would not recommend it. It does smell good though, but that's all it has going for it.
    PrincessBear3 | 45 reviews

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  • 9

    Dove Anti Perspirant Deodorant Ultimate Clear Cool Essentials-good and dry

    It smells wonderful. The cucumber and green tea combination makes the scent on the citrus side but very mild and gentle. The product has the same consistency of secret's stick deodorant only slightly softer. The dove ultimate clear cool essentials slides on more smoothly than my secret stick deodorant did. It also gets absorbed by my skin quickly. It only takes a few wipes on each under arm as morel. Dove claims that it moisturizes, it certainly does. My under arm skin is much smoother and since I don't wax and merely shave, I have a few goose bumps. I credit this product for softening and smooths out my goose pimples under my arm. I have no real problem with under arm discoloration neither does dove claim to whiten arm pits, but because dove's deo smoothened my goose bumps, it's possible, that there is less goose pimples to cast shadows to make my under arm seem darker than the rest of my arm. All I know is that I have smoother and more even colored arm pits. Dove say's "keeps the deodorant right where it should be-on your skin, not on clothes...", This part is not true in my case. I still get the white straight streaks on my dark clothes even if I wait awhile for it to dry and it dries quickly. (I roll up or fold up my t-shirts before wearing them so I get white streaks of deodorant instead of wiping off the deodorant all over the sides of my shirt.) The streaks on my clothes are difficult to remove, too. After my machine does its spin, I have to handwash the part of my blouse where the streaks are to take it out, which I suppose is logical since the product is supposed to stop wetness. Worse of it is, which is my fault, I've ruined a couple of t-shirts that way, I have t-shirts here that have discolored arm pits from trying to bleach off sticky slick deodorant. About wetness, it's possible that there are times of the month that my perspiration is more acidic than normal, but using the same product, applying the same amount or sliding the stick on my arm pits the same number of times can control sweat sometimes NOT. So the 24 hour sweat control is if-ey. When my sweat does break through though it's as though I had no deodorant in the first place so I don't get that white squiggly lines that look like an islands under my arms on my clothes But I like the smell and the moisturizing part so I keep buying it.
    hathor2 | 18 reviews

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  • 4

    Kept going back..

    Goodness only knows why but i keep going back to dove, maybe because I want to think it is really helping my underarms. I love the scents in this collection but i never make it through an entire stick of this stuff before it smells rancid on me and i cant tell you how many times ive had to wipe down a shirt ofter ive put it on. I've bought it all over the country and still have no idea why it morees this. I always end up with 4 sticks of antipersperant that i have to juggle between to keep this from happening. If you have no real sweating or smell problem this may be satisfactory but if you have any concerns or troubles this one might not be right for you.
    Houhyhnm | 4 reviews

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