The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 9

    Been using this for awhile

    I really like this shampoo! It smells great and cleans my hair great. I highlight my hair a light blonde every 6-8 weeks and the condition of my hair has improved since using this product in conjunction with the conditioner. I don't have problems with dryness, breaking, split ends, or color fading.
    Wendolyn | 6 reviews

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  • 8

    Good for color treated hair

    My stylist recommended this to keep my color fresh, and I think it works. My hair may not be as soft as when I use Pantene, but the color stays a lot better.
    Nicquelg | 3 reviews

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  • 8

    love this shampoo

    I highlight my hair a couple of times a year and have used this shampoo approximately 4 years. I have recommeded it to friends that color and/or highlight and they all echo my sentiments. It's gentle and helps tone brassiness.
    kjwtx1 | 3 reviews

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  • 1

    My poor, poor hair!

    This shampoo is awful. I started using it when I highlighted my hair golden blonde. My hair felt like straw and felt so fried. I even used the reconstrutor and the more I used the shampoo the worse my hair felt. I went to my parent's house for the weekend and used some Pantene shampoo and my hair was like silk. I came home and pitched the 2/3 full liter of shampoo. I switched over to Matrix Amplify Color XL and my hair is shiny and gorgeous. This stuff is crap. Stay Away!
    kblakes | 11 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  5 of 8 people said helpful

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