The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 9


    I like to keep several shampoos to alternate between and this one has become one of my staples. It smells great and gives you a fresh clean without being too harsh.
    BarbieSparkle | 13 reviews

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  • 7

    works good

    this product will give some extra volume, it's not the most effective shampoo for volume, but it's a great value for the money. I would recommend it if your on a tight budget, but you still want some results.
    marinda | 5 reviews

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  • 9

    Great instant lift

    I don't have the time or ambition to fuss with my hair or makeup. But, I DO want to look like I have a LOT of hair and this shampoo works terrifically in that respect. I generaly shampoo while in the shower and just do a quick blow dry and a little brushing and VOOM - my hair looks naturally thick and easy to shape.
    Cville | 3 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  2 of 2 people said helpful

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