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  • 8

    holds without stiffness

    this hairspray rocks. aircontrol holds without making hair stiff or crunchy. it stays in place and still moves around...hard to believe, but true.
    Kendall_B | 3 reviews

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  • 8

    Better than Expected

    I thought hairspray was hard and sticky but this one is a keeper. It has nice hold and doesnt feel like old hairsprays. Also love its scent.
    hotrod | 2 reviews

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  • 9

    Love it!

    This spray is very similar to Bumble & Bumble's "Does It All Spray", in that you can spray, style, shape, re-spray, repeat... and it never gets sticky or stiff. It's got the classis Aveda scent to it (a bit strong, but it fades) and goes on light as air. Perfect for making hair just "dirty" enough to hold a style.
    Jamielynn | 6 reviews

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    your hairspray search is over!

    i've tried EVERYTHING and this is hands down the best. my stylist used it on me once and i was hooked. it literally feels like air being sprayed on, smells very fresh like most aveda products, and was light to the touch. you can spray, style, spray again to get whatever level of hold you want. never sticky or dry, or oily. it's almost like a texturizer in spray form. heavenly!!
    angeltuttle | 3 reviews

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  • 9

    Great light hold!

    I love this hair spray a) because it smells great and b) my hair isn't "crunchy" after using it. It also helps with static in my hair which can be a pain. I recommend it to anyone who likes a light hold hair spray. :)
    ocdriessen | 6 reviews

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  • 9

    Smells so good

    This smells so good you do not need to wear fragrance when you use it. I get compliments on how I smell when I use it. It works well for me when I spritz it in and then skrunch my hair so for me it is more of a styling product than a holding spray. It does not make the hair stiff, it remains workable and you can reactivate by adding a little water to your hair.
    cosmeticjunkie | 3 reviews

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  • 11 Best Hairsprays

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    greatest hairspray.

    I love this hairspray, very light, but can be layered for a super hold, and it smeels great too! I love being able to brush it out after work and restyle my hair for evening. Love this prouduct!
    Aench269 | 5 reviews

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  • 10


    This will hold your hair ..Period! But i can brush through it! No stiffness yet incredible hold...None of that brittle hold that breaks your hair once you try to brush into it after it dries. NO ANIMAL TESTING EITHER! (it isnt mandated or even necessary to do in this day and age!) First and foremost in any product is that standard. Then from that standard i look for a good product to do what i want without compromise. This does!
    zentrade | 1 reviews

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  • 9

    Serious control!

    I LOVE this product. It is certainly not for everyday use. That would be way to drying for your hair. However, for those nights when you want to style your hair without making it stiff and untouchable, this THE PRODUCT to use. Its really perfect that up do, or loose and curly style. Plus it smells light and refreshing.
    Butterrfly | 3 reviews

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