The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    it makes your skin feel clean but it doesnt help with acne
    ren | 67 reviews

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    didnt help at all it was runny and it sucked i stressed more lol
    ren | 67 reviews

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  • 9

    works great for me!

    I basically worship this stuff. I have tried many combinations of face washes/scrubs, lotions, and topical treatments for my acne, and FINALLY seem to have hit the jackpot, with this product being one of several in my daily face regimen. I particularly like the smell (it's cucumber-y!), the cool tingle, and the scrubbing beads. It successfully removes all the dried out skin on my face, caused by moree using a benzoyl peroxide treatment. I can't go without a facial moisturizer - I've never been able to, but particularly when using the face scrub - but it's totally worth it. If you're interested in trying it, my daily regimen is to twice a day: *cleanse with this Neutrogena Acne Stress Control scrub, *make sure face is completely dry, *then apply a thin layer of Neutrogena's On-the-Spot 2.5% benzoyl peroxide treatment over ALL problem areas of your face (for example, on your nose, chin, and cheeks; not just on your current breakouts - using it everywhere treats current acne and prevents it from emerging), *and finish with an oil-free moisturizing lotion with SPF; my current favorite is Dove's Deep Moisture facial lotion with SPF 15. Good Luck!!!
    mistykitty | 10 reviews

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    Didn't work well....

    Would not suggest it.
    Lawless07 | 2 reviews

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    Little too harsh for my skin.

    I love neutrogena, but unfortunately this product was a little too harsh for my sensitive dry skin. It seemed to irritate and dry my skin even more.
    Y2 | 25 reviews

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    Great skin smoother

    This scrub leaves my skin smooth and soft. It feels like a skin treatment. I only use it a few times a week though daily is just too much. I also love the Acne stress control miosturizer, it's like a gel lotion that is gentle enough to use everyday.
    mmonson7 | 9 reviews

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    Didn't work for very long for me, but I'd still suggest it

    I was actually really impressed with this product for about a month. It was very gentle and effective, but then I started getting break outs again. However, I think that's because of my type of acne. I'd definitely still reccomend this for anyone with light to moderate acne. I switched to Dermalogica (which has worked much better for me), but I'll still use this as a morning cleanser.
    QTJewels19 | 26 reviews

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    No acne or dry skin!

    When using acne creams and washers, my skin always ends up dry and scaley! Using Neutrogena's Acne Stress Control, it doesn't dry your skin out and it prevents break outs from even happening.
    Jbfenske | 3 reviews

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  • 10

    Absolutely amazing

    I've always had little bumps and then the usual few huge zits. Once I started using this stuff, even my littlest breakouts stopped. It also made my skin really soft.
    Kyrstin | 2 reviews

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    My husband loves this, it is too harsh on my skin, but for men it works great!
    mfergy84 | 61 reviews

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