The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Beauty Tips

Marc Jacobs Beauty Gets A Standalone Store

Plus, the insomnia-eating connection, a mosquito repellent patch and more of the best stories of the day

On Friday, Marc Jacobs releases his 122-piece beauty collection at Sephora. Now comes news that he'll be unleashing a free-standing beauty store in NYC's West Village. Jacobs already owns a pretty substantial chunk of real estate in the village, so this'll just be adding to his empire. But is it permanent or just a pop up? Only time will tell. [Source]

You couldn't get to sleep last night, and this morning, you're going straight for a greasy egg and cheese. Stop! Sleep deprivation, say researchers, has a direct affect on how your body responds to fattening snacks and treats. When you're tired, fattening foods become mega-attractive, because your frontal cortex is a bit dulled. (Your frontal cortex is basically the food police of your brain.)[Source]

All happiness is not created equal. Just ask your body's cells -- they have different reactions depending on whether you're scarfing down pizza or watching a movie with friends. Your body is smart, yo. [Source]

I want it: A patch that will make you invisible to mosquitos? This sounds too good to be true! The Kite Patch emits chemical compounds that basically mask your natural delciious-to-mosquitos smell. But oh, the patch isn't available in the U.S. just yet, though it's being deployed across Africa, where death and illness from mosquito-borne diseases is a major problem. You can support its makers and get it out on the market quicker by donating to the Kate Patch indiegogo campaign. [Source]

Taco Bell, you depraved geniuses. What is this terrifying waffle taco all about? [Source]

Edward Cullen lives! Oh blah, it's just Rob Pattinson modeling for Dior Homme Fragrance. Whatever[Source]


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