Total Look: Hot Weather Beauty Tips

Posted 06/07/11 at 05:55AM by Audrey Fine
It's heating up out there and, just in time, Rebekah George sits down with hair stylist Charles Baker Strahan and makeup maven Terri Apanasewicz to get the 411 on the best ways to look pulled together but not overly done up when the mercury's rising.
Follow these expert tips to be sure to look your very best (and not sweaty or frizzy in the least) this summer. And, for tips on looking gorgeous while you work out (but not like you're trying too hard) click here.
Follow these expert tips to be sure to look your very best (and not sweaty or frizzy in the least) this summer. And, for tips on looking gorgeous while you work out (but not like you're trying too hard) click here.

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I always keep oil blotting sheets with me, you just never know when you might need them.
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Oil blotting sheets are good to have on hand year round.
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Good tip on avoiding synthetic clothing this time of year!
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I will also try the blotting sheets
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Stop wasting the first third of the video with graphics, music and the annoying and useless introduction. The last third of the video is full of commercials. No, thank you.
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