
Where I live, flip-flops are a year-round staple. We wear them with everything: swimsuits, jeans, heck, even dresses. And no one gives us snotty looks because it's just part of the SoCal beach culture.This is a good thing because...I hate shoes. I know, it's virtually sacrilegious for a woman to say such a thing, but it's true. I mean, sure, they're pretty to look at, but they hurt my feet and…

Psst...Are you sitting at your desk bored to death? You've got to try this little time killer that's also super informative. (I tried it this morning and learned that I've been wearing the exact opposite makeup shades than the ones that flatter my skin tone -- for pretty much my entire life.)Here's the deal. It's called the Color Finder and, as the name so succinctly points out, it will help you…

The fact that I'm even testing "line fillers" bums me out (but that's a blog for a different day). However, the fact that I actually found one that really seems to work cheers me up. So, it all balances out in the end.I'd been reading about products that purported to temporarily "fill" facial lines and because I, a) have some that need filling and, b) don't have the bankroll, nor wherewithal, to…

Rachel McAdams is too darn adorable for words. I've long been a fan -- especially of her work in movies like "The Wedding Crashers" and "The Time Traveler's Wife" and have admired her poise and class when others around her seem to be swimming in a sea of sass and crass. That's why I was a little taken aback when she showed up at Sunday's New York City premiere of her new movie "Morning Glory" with…

I'll admit it, I'm something of a product junkie. Aw, whom am I kidding? I'm a full-blown addict. I try new creams and potions and conditioners at an alarming pace. Of course, not all of them are great. In fact, most times I'm left feeling disappointed. Not so, however, with these five finds that I'm loving right now...No. 1: If I read the words "makes your blow out easier" on a hairstyling…

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