The Fashion Spot Momtastic


  • Save Money, Use Leftovers As Beauty Products (Seriously!)

  • Posted by Sarah on October 14, 2009 at 05:13PM
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  • Sure, there are some great cheap beauty products out there (like these), but for some of us, a few bucks are still too much to spend on beauty. I hear ya, in these times beauty can easily take a back seat to more important things -- like, uh, food and keeping a roof over your head.

  • Luckily, there are ways to cut way back on your beauty spending (even down to almost nothing) and still look great. Check out the budget beauty tips here for inspiration. Bonus: using natural ingredients like the ones below means less sketchy ingredients like these on your skin and hair, yay!

  • • Digging the whole natural beauty thing? Then you'll love these at-home, all-natural recipes.

  • • Not up to the DIY challenge? You'll still save cash with these products (no assembly required!)

  • • Are you good at spotting a bargain? Test your smarts (a la "The Price Is Right") with this quiz.

  • Keep up with the latest in beauty -- follow us on Twitter and friend us on Facebook.

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