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Main Causes of Dandruff

Main Causes of Dandruff

Learn about the main causes of dandruff

While there is no single, isolated reason as to how dandruff forms, there are several main causes of dandruff. In order to treat, control and prevent future dandruff from occurring, it is important to understand the main causes of dandruff first. First of all, what is dandruff? Dandruff is a common skin condition and appears in the form of dry, white flakes on the scalp with some areas of pink or red inflamed skin. Some people experience itching, burning and may find themselves scratching their hair on a frequent basis. One of the main causes of dandruff is poor hygiene and lack of shampooing on a frequent basis. It is important to shampoo hair regularly in order to remove dead sin cells that accumulate on the scalp. Read 8 Best Dandruff Shampoos for a list of dandruff-preventing shampoos.

Another one of the major causes of dandruff is excess Malassezia, a yeast-like fungus that can get out of control on the scalp, feeding off the oil secreted by hair follicles. This in turn causes scalp irritation and encourages the grown of more skin cells, which leads to cell turnover and flakes. Dry skin, especially in winter, is another one of the main causes of dandruff. When skin is dry, it tends to flake more often, and paired alongside frequent itching, leads to dandruff and flakes on the scalp as well as all over the body. Check out 11 Best Oily Hair Remedies for a list of products that will help prevent oily hair and dandruff.

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