The VIP (Very Impressive Product) Pick of the Week #18

Posted 06/10/11 at 10:31AM by Audrey Fine

The Price: $4.29
The Promise: "Experience a world with the essence of luscious lavender blooms infused with invigorating, sun-drenched lilies that delicately scents your skin so you feel Ooh la la Lavender."
The Real Deal: Cards on the table: I used to have a Love's Baby Soft, $6.99, addiction. I'd spritz myself with it several times a day -- every day -- from the time I was 9 and at sleep away camp until, well, probably 6 years ago when I had trouble finding it in stores. I was sad, but I got over it. (Sniff.) Now, I'm stoked to say that I've found a replacement. This Secret Body Splash is awesome. Not only does it smell great in a subtle-yet-fresh way, but somehow it imparts a "pick me up" feeling (which I intensify by keeping it in the fridge -- is that weird?). I'm hooked.
The Upshot: For less than five bucks I can get a quick "refresh" whenever I want it -- and, given how hot and muggy summers are, I'm totally down with that -- and this body splash. It's my new favorite thing.
This is a new fave, but, here's a list of some of the other things I've loved for a long while �

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It is great to find something that makes you happy and doesn't break the budget at the same time.
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I will have to give this a try!
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i've seen them and never thought to try them. i will buy the oh la la lavender. It will be nice to find that it works well and still have money left to buy a pack of gum or something!
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Cheap enough to give it a chance and if I don't like it I can toss it.
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I lke the Dove scents more
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