8 Ways to Look Fabulous in a Hurry (SLIDESHOW)

Posted 12/28/11 at 10:10AM by Charli Schuler

Don't get me wrong -- in many ways, it is the most wonderful time of the year. It's just that after three solid weeks of shopping, over-indulging and "family togetherness," I'm pooped. Even worse, I look pooped.
Since a rejuvenating vacation or trip to the spa isn't in the budget, I'm stuck having to figure out how to fake looking bright eyed and merry. Happily, my go-to posse of beauty experts has been very generous with their very best tips and tricks. Of course, I now have no excuse for looking like a schlep ... and, I'm afraid, neither do you!
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CorbettHair colorist
Dr. Kavita

Mascara, face powder, and eyebrow filler works for me
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A little foundation, brow powder and mascara make me feel better in a hurry. And then a little highlighter on my lids and cheekbones :)
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i think lipstick always makes me look polished.
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I love this article! It describes my routine almost to a tee! I also love buffing my nails in a hurry because it looks like you have a high gloss coat of polish on!
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