The Fashion Spot Momtastic


  • Yay or Nay: Primping in Public?

  • Posted by Sarah on October 23, 2009 at 04:26PM
  • #

  • "Excuse me, I have to go powder my nose."

  • Does anyone actually still say this or is it just an old movie cliché? My guess is the later, but that doesn't necessarily mean we're all whipping out our compacts at the dinner table. Or are we?

  • Usually, I'll hold off reapplying my lipgloss until I'm in the bathroom or car, but a recent poll on our site shows that 63 percent of respondents apply lip color or powder in public. What do you think? Is this acceptable behavior or should we take a cue from the Old-Hollywood starlets and take it elsewhere?

  • If I was applying one of these products I would definitely keep it hidden, but the ones below? They were meant to be seen (click on them to see why):

  • Benefit 24k Sexy Gold Lipstick, $22

  • Givenchy Prisme Libre, $63

  • Global Goddess Goddess Glow South Pacific Shimmer, $32

  • Chanel Rouge Allure Luminous Satin Lip Color, $19.99

  • Keep up with the latest in beauty -- follow us on Twitter and friend us on Facebook.

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