The Fashion Spot Momtastic


  • What's the Wackiest Product in Your Makeup Bag?

  • Posted by Anna on March 14, 2011 at 06:34PM
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  • I am always interested to sneak a peek into my friends' makeup bags and bathroom cabinets. Yes, some would say that's nosy, but it's not because I want to judge their taste in eyeshadow color or steal their prescription for Vicodin, I swear.

  • It's because the products women keep in their makeup bag (especially if they tote it around with them) are the products they truly trust. The ones they tried and loved instantly -- otherwise they would have been tossed. And I've found that when I do get the chance to dive into someone's bag, I usually find something I've never thought of trying or a product I've never heard of. I always ask about these items and my friends always LOVE to gush about them.

  • When I was recently asked to share the items in my makeup bag with our Total Beauty Community, I jumped for joy (see the video of my Makeup Bag Ambush here). I couldn't wait to share my favorite go-to products. Similarly when I saw Assistant Editor Sharon's Makeup Bag Ambush, I couldn't wait to try all the cool products she talked about.

  • And if there is one thing I've learned from working at Total Beauty, it's that women go out of their way to share feedback on products they think are great. So tell me, what's the wackiest beauty product you have in your makeup bag? The one that you just adore? I'm all ears.

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