The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 10

    Life saver!

    My 3 year old daughter has many allergies and when she is having a reaction, her skin breaks out. This always calms her skin. It also works nicely after shaving!
    loumom | 32 reviews

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  • 8

    so nice I use it on all my kids.

    I love this lotion. All my kids have dry skin, but this product keeps it under control without feeling greasy. Great for on the go too.
    123Remle | 5 reviews

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  • 9

    Very nice.

    This is a nice moisturizer for babies. It goes on smoothly and has a pleasant smell.
    laurielim | 164 reviews

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    Really helps baby's skin stay moisturized.

    I have been using this product for the past 3 years on my oldest child because she has eczema. It works really well with keeping her skin moisturized when she has an outbreak, especially during the summer and winter months.
    Eczema_Mom | 2 reviews

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  • 10

    Great for ezcema

    My little one had a bad case of ezcema on his face when he was about 4 months old. It was so sad. I started using this along with the creamy body wash, and it's never came back. He will still get small bumps now and then, but using this every day this really keeps it in check.
    keithsmoon | 8 reviews

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  • 9

    Dry Skin Relief

    I live in NY and our winters are very harsh to the skin. I had some very dry patches and tried this since it was good for babies. It worked so good that I sold many tubes of it where I work. It is also helped any hives that I get other times. Thanks Aveeno!
    BeccaJ | 3 reviews

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  • 7

    Nice and smooth.

    This cream is really soothing, as one would expect from aveeno. The smell isn't as nice as most of their baby line though. I much prefer the Aveeno Baby light cream.
    allianne1 | 26 reviews

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  • 8

    Really great for eczema!

    I found this in the baby isle and started using it on my son who has eczema. It made his rough patches of skin so smooth. It is a silky cream that rubs in easily. I have used other Aveeno products and love them all so I knew that this would be ok for my son.
    amymomga | 5 reviews

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  • 10

    Aveeno Baby Rocks!

    I received samples from the pediatrician to use on my daughter and loved how thick and mosturizing it is. It is the lotion of choice for my whole family now, even us adults. It soothes upon first use and lasts. Especially great for winter use.
    989christy | 1 reviews

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    Aveeno Baby

    This is the best fragrance free lotion. I use it for my legs as well as my children. Especially during the winter season when dry skin can cause eczema. This is a great daily moisturizer.
    Judianne | 5 reviews

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