The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    What a treasure; good for those who have asthma or who are sensitive to strong perfumes!

    My Mary Kay consultant put a sample of warm amber body lotion into my order bag about a month ago. What a fantastic smell it was; a light hint of scent without being overpowering. My husband who has asthma has always had a hard time when I've used perfumes or scented lotions and soaps. I had him smell the lotion and he didn't have a problem with it. I loved the way it felt on my skin, so I moreided to order the body wash and eau de toilette. I love these products and I'm giving up my bath and bodyworks body washes/lotions for this so that my husband can enjoy me being lightly perfumed - instead of getting tight in the chest;-)
    jazzyjess1261 | 2 reviews

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