The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Parissa Wax Strips Face Bikini

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  • 5

    it didn't grip my hair well.

    when i used this i felt like it missed too many hairs. sure, it is convenient, but i want something that's gonna work the first time, because-OUCH-waxing can hurt! i have home waxed for years now, and was disappointed with the results, even trying this on different areas. i like the home wax kits that do not require strips...i think those are the most effective, and least fuss.
    tinylittlebird | 88 reviews

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  • 7

    cheap and it works

    It's also pretty mess-free... but it can miss a few spots, even after trying again... comes with a great oil =)
    poptabs | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    wax her face

    my girls waxes her face this is a great product smooth and now i can kiss her
    weasel | 98 reviews

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