The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Dr. Hauschka Volume Mascara

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    I figured I'd give it a try. Let's just say within about an hour to two hours, I looked in the mirror and it had smudged all over the sides of my right eye. I have NEVER had a mascara do this and so I was sure it was my eyeliner. I tried it again the next day without eyeliner just to see....and sure enough it was the mascara! I was so disappointed. I still use it every now and then but I just use one coat. All in all I would never buy it again.
    BaniK73 | 1 reviews

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  • 3

    Hard to remove

    I would like to like this product, but at $25 or more a pop, it's just not worth the trouble. As many remarked, it smudges easily. It is not a "volume" mascara--it looks about as voluminous as a single coat of Maybelline's Great Lash. The biggest problem for me is that it is difficult to remove with water, and even with water+soap. I have gotten accustomed to washing off non-waterproof mascara moreh just water. It works with Lancome Hypnose Instant Drama, which, by the way, is a far superior volumizing mascara in the same price range. The Dr. Hauschka stuff just runs all over your upper and lower eyelid, giving you that Captain Sparrow look.
    zakryto | 18 reviews

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  • 10 Best Mascaras -- EVER

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  • 5

    An OK mascara

    I would describe this product as an "everyday" type mascara because the formula isn't so thick and heavy that you end up looking like a club act. The consistency is medium and gives the lashes enough coverage to still look defined but not overbearing. I do have a major gripe about it and that is it doesn't dry as fast as other mascaras I have used. The first couple of times I used it, more I ended up getting some smudges on the upper and lower eyelid. Usually, other mascaras would be dry by then, but not this one. It also tends to melt during the entire time I had it on so by the end of the day, most of it were on my lower lashes and underneath them. Bottom line: if you're going for the false lashes look and don't have the time nor patience to wait for the mascara to dry completely, this is not the product for you.
    cheetah11 | 154 reviews

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