The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 10

    The best lip balm ever.

    With the bad rating you gave this Nuxe Lune de Miel lip balm, I do not trust a thing you say. I LOVE this balm. It is fantastic, thick and matte, not shiny and slimy like most. I use this night and day and have thrown out everything else. I found this in Paris - where it is considered the best lip balm out there - and brought tons back. Thankfully, Nuxe has a website here and I can also buy it online. THE BEST LIP BALM IN THE WORLD. Love, love, love.
    Sabine123 | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    My absolute favourite!

    I absolutely love this lip balm: it's the best for Winter cracked lips. I put it at night and the next day I wake up with amazing soft lips! I couldn't live without it!
    MaryWA | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    NUXE lip balm

    I am a big fan of this product. It nourishes my lips and fragrance is gorgeous. I apply it as a mask in the evening to wake up with baby lips. And in the morning under my lipstick or alone to have smooth and beautiful lips. Just love it.
    BeainNYC | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Love this!

    This is my all time favorite lip balm! I typically lather it on at night and my lips feel great in the morning. I also like to use it right after my lip exfoliator as well. I only wish it came in a stick form.
    tndouglas | 2 reviews

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  • 2

    Fell for the hype

    Step one is realizing you have a problem. I am a product whore. Some website or blogger waxes rhapsodic about a product and I am on it like white on rice. PR/marketing teams rejoice. This lip balm is one of the more notable recent fails. The texture is incredibly thick and very waxy, and feels pasty on instead of emolliating or moisturizing. The scent/taste is pretty neutral. The packaging is more best part of the product, as the heavy glass container feels substantial. Of course, then I dropped it and the plastic screw top shattered into a million pieces. Probably the universe's way of telling me to move on. Will NOT repurchase.
    duff | 4 reviews

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  • 2

    am i using this wrong?

    is there even an incorrect way to apply lip balm? all the reviews i've read here and elsewhere have been great. i haven't had such a great experience. unless it's over 80 degrees where the balm is (and therefore slightly melted), it's hard to apply it to my lips. it comes out onto my finger in chunks and it's like applying wax to my lips. needless to say, my lips feel waxy. it sits on top more my lips without absorbing in, so my lips still feel tight and dry. when it wears off, my lips look even more chapped than before i put it on. the only thing i liked about this product was the nice glass container.
    khat12 | 42 reviews

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  • 8

    Love it!

    my lips get really dry and chapped especially in the winter time, and chapstick doesnt really help, but this Lip balm definetly smooths my lips out and moisturizes them..and you dont have to reapply too often!
    aidazeinali | 3 reviews

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  • 9

    Good, but has a strange texture?

    This company claims that their products contain no animal substances, and from what I've gleaned, Nuxe (Paris) is a member of the French anti-vivisection union, whatever that may further entail, or, from what I have been able to tell so far, this means that the company should also be cruelty-free or adhere to a humane cosmetics standard. Anyhow, I have since long emptied out the contents of my moreown Nuxe balm, but viewing the advertisment online, it appears the product is now tinged a strange yellow. When I got my tub of this balm, it was devoid of colouring. Also, I might add that this balm, while very soothing to be sure, had a strange texture, almost as if it has pieces of grapefruit in it. I do not know if this was just an odd batch of balm, or if it was intentional. I plan on informing Nuxe about this one day. Would I recommend this product? Despite the odd consistency I experienced, yes. Use this one at night for repairing.
    wkoenigsmann | 36 reviews

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  • 4

    Nuxe Honey Lip Balm

    This is a rich, long-lasting product with intense moisturising protection. Especially pleasant overnight!
    Souleiado | 3 reviews

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