The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Desert Essence Organic Tea Tree Oil

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    I had pretty, smooth, soft skin I only had one or two breakouts. I decided to use this product because I thought I was time for me to go natural, and use something that is not benzoyl peroxide. After 5 days my skin had a pretty glow and then after about two weeks my skin had tiny pimples all over the places i was using this product on, since I was using this product as a spot treatment. I finally morestopped using this product two months later. I had read three different site of review on this product and most of them were good only a few were bad. I was diluting this product and it still made my skin breakout. It may work wonders on some skin, but it worked disasters on my skin. If your skin does not like this product after two weeks stop using this product, don't wait two months because It will just be more you'll have to repair.
    morales | 13 reviews

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