The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 1

    Not Impressed

    Maybe it's because I have super oily skin. Maybe it's because I just don't know how to use them. But I cannot, no matter how hard I try, get them to stick to my face and pull stuff out! They totally do not work for me. After several tries, I ended up throwing the rest of the box away.
    krudder30 | 189 reviews

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  • 9

    really works!

    i have bad blackheads, quite noticeably, on my nose. i would say my skin is combination. i use the pore strips twice a week, once on wednesday/thursday and once on sunday. this is a product that you have to CONTINUOUSLY USE in order to make your blackheads stay away. i use them after i have showered and leave the strip on for 15 minutes before i remove it. it works everytime. each time, moregh, as you use it, you'll see less and less blackheads removed onto the strip but because you shouldn't have as many blackheads remaining.
    WUT | 25 reviews

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  • 9

    works pretty good

    i was satisfied with this product! I only use the strips once every couple weeks. more frequently, it seems to be a waste of the product.
    mary5435 | 6 reviews

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  • 9

    Out with the old!!!

    The making of these strips was an excellent idea. Since my youthful days I have always suffered with excessive clogged pores around my nose. Using these strips has taken me a step closer to a smoother and less irritated nose. Thank You
    jmojica | 1 reviews

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  • 3

    Not my thing

    It partially worked on certain parts of the patch that actually stuck to my skin. It is uncomfortable to wear for that amount of time and leaves a very sticky residue behind.
    crashnbrn53 | 1 reviews

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  • 6

    Indifferent, actually.

    I've used this product several times now and every time I use one, i see a few blackheads removed on the strip, but nothing drastic. They always seem to leave more in than remove. That and they hurt really bad to pull off, which wouldn't be such a problem if I didn't feel i had to use 12 of them to get all the gunk out of my pores. I don't hate this product, but it leaves me a little apathetic with the results.
    greakasaurus | 111 reviews

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  • 8

    i like them

    good for me to get black heads off my nose
    marye302 | 8 reviews

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  • 7

    So So

    I've tried these a couple of times and haven't had the results I've wanted-although I don't have too many problems with my nose area. I'd like to see one made for the chin area-though I've toyed with the idea of using the face strip (pictured on the forehead) to see if it works. My husband has more problems and uses these fairly regularly with good results.
    marie61105 | 5 reviews

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  • 1

    These do not work for me

    I have tried them, all they do is pull off my skin! I wish they would work, but every time I have tried they pull a strip off my nose. I think my skin is too thin or sensitive for the strips. A good exfoliator works better for me.
    msrita | 4 reviews

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  • 7

    good but gross

    These worked well for me and my husband. Pulled a lot of black heads out. which is gross, but they did the job. Still seems like I had some clogged pores, and left my nose a little dry afterwards.
    semjuan | 3 reviews

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