The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Color Wow Root Cover Up

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    The best temporary coverage!

    My Gray shows after 3 weeks so this stuff will get me through another week or so. It matches perfectly. I love it!
    Nancy_Borisov | 8 reviews

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    Use this for your eyebrows

    This product did not work for my hair. I tried using both ends of the brush to touch up grey at my temples, "sideburns," and part. Didn't work. The product would not sit on my hair although it did darken my skin. So, what to do with used product that was kind of pricey? The brush is just right for eyebrows, and I thought "Why not?" Well - this works great on eyebrows! It applies, thickens more bit, and stays without running or staining. To avoid the '50s Joan Crawford look, build product instead of applying a lot at once. (If the Joan Crawford is what you want, go for it!) Anyway, as a hairline cover-up, this product did not work for me. But, as an eyebrow enhancer - magic!
    TrademarkGal | 16 reviews

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