The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 9

    Love it!

    I love this deodorant. About a week and a half to two weeks after I began using this product, the black spots underneath my arms from the hair was fading. (My hair is black and I have very fair skin) Now, it's been about 2-3 months, I still have a lot of deodorant left, and it's white and smooth underneath my arms. Plus, it seems like it takes a tad bit longer for the hair to grow back too. The smell is great and not overpowering.
    hannah_hughes | 2 reviews

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  • 4

    Baaah... Its okay

    I've been using this product for quite a while now and it doesn't really minimize the appearance of hair. I mean , maybe a little bit but its barely noticible. But it smells good.
    glitterislove | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Ultimate Visibly Smooth

    This product claims to "minimize the visual appearance of hair over time". I'm about halfway through the container and it seems like it's living up to its claims. The smell doesn't overpower my perfume. I live in Oklahoma where the humidity is high during the summer. When I apply this at night after a shower and again in the morning I don't have the dreaded wet rings on my shirt. I love this and will continue to use it.
    CountryGirl78 | 93 reviews

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